Какво са правилата за работа?
Avoid customer representative dissatisfaction from doing the really boring work. Let some processes to run automatically. Set up business rules in your help desk. Rules help you to make preordained actions in software. Set up conditions and when they met, an action is made. Business rules are often used to transfer a ticket, change ticket priority, send answer, change SLA level, add or remove tags and much more. They save time and bring many benefits. They help agents to stay concentrated.
Learn more about rules in LiveAgent.
Watch a video about business rules
Business rules are a set of conditions defined to help streamline and automate business processes. LiveAgent help desk software takes advantage of these rules to ensure efficient customer service and ensure that customer inquiries are addressed in a consistent manner. With LiveAgent, tickets can be automatically assigned based on business rules, ensuring faster response times and improved customer satisfaction. Business rules can be customized and modified to suit the specific requirements of the organization using the help desk software.
- важност на маркетинга в дигиталната епоха
- ролята на социалните мрежи в маркетинга
- персонализирания маркетинг и неговото значение
Video summary
Видеото обсъжда важността на маркетинга в дигиталната епоха и каква роля играе социалните мрежи в този процес. Също така се разглежда значението на персонализирания маркетинг и как той може да увеличи ангажираността на потребителите. Накрая, видеото разглежда възможностите за измерване на ефективността на маркетинговите кампании.